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Friday, February 10, 2023

What is Joe Biden's policies on Marijuana?

President Joe Biden's stance on marijuana has evolved over time. During his campaign for the presidency, Biden expressed support for decriminalizing marijuana and expanding access to medical marijuana, but stopped short of endorsing full legalization for recreational use.

In his first few months in office, President Biden has taken steps to align his administration's policies with these positions. For example, he has indicated that his administration will not prioritize enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states where the drug has been legalized, and has called for further research into the medical benefits of marijuana.

However, President Biden has also expressed concerns about the potential negative impacts of legalization, such as increased use among youth and the potential for impaired driving. As a result, his administration has taken a cautious approach to marijuana policy, emphasizing the need for further research and a balanced approach to legalization that takes into account public health and safety concerns.

It is likely that President Biden's policies on marijuana will continue to evolve over time, as he seeks to balance the need for further research and public health protections with growing support for legalization and the economic benefits that it could bring.

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