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Friday, February 10, 2023

What did Popular Mechanics say about hemp the billion dollar crop in 1938?

 In 1938, an article in Popular Mechanics magazine declared that hemp was "the new billion dollar crop." The article praised the versatility and strength of hemp, highlighting its potential uses as a source of fiber for clothing, paper, and rope, as well as its potential as a source of fuel. The article also discussed the large yields that could be achieved from hemp crops and the economic benefits that this could bring to farmers.

The article was published at a time when hemp was still widely cultivated in the United States, before the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which effectively banned the cultivation of hemp in the country. Despite this optimism, however, hemp never became the "billion dollar crop" that the article predicted, largely due to political and legal factors. Nevertheless, the article is a testament to the potential of hemp as a versatile and sustainable crop and the high regard in which it was held in the early 20th century.

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