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Friday, February 10, 2023

What are the modern forms of slavery?

 There are many forms of modern slavery that exist today, including:

  1. Forced Labor: This occurs when people are forced to work against their will, often through physical or psychological coercion. This can include domestic work, agricultural labor, factory work, and more.

  2. Human Trafficking: This involves the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation, including forced labor and sex trafficking.

  3. Debt Bondage: This occurs when people are forced to work to pay off a debt, often with exorbitant interest rates and penalties, trapping them in a cycle of debt that is almost impossible to escape from.

  4. Child Labor: Children are forced to work in dangerous and exploitative conditions, depriving them of their childhood and education.

  5. Forced Marriage: Women and girls are forced into marriages against their will, often as a form of exploitation and servitude.

These forms of modern slavery exist in many countries around the world, and often involve people who are marginalized and vulnerable, such as migrants, women and children, and people living in poverty. It's important to note that slavery is prohibited by international law, but despite this, it still persists in many forms and affects millions of people globally.

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