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Friday, February 10, 2023

Donald Rumsfeld : War on bureaucracy

Donald Rumsfeld was known for his efforts to reform the United States Department of Defense bureaucracy during his tenure as Secretary of Defense. He called it a "war on bureaucracy," and sought to streamline the Pentagon's processes, reduce redundancies, and increase efficiency.

Rumsfeld's efforts to reform the Pentagon's bureaucracy were part of a larger effort to transform the U.S. military to better meet the challenges of the 21st century. He was a proponent of using technology and innovative approaches to improve the effectiveness of the military, and believed that the bureaucracy was holding back progress.

Rumsfeld's "war on bureaucracy" was met with resistance from some quarters, as many in the Pentagon were resistant to change. However, his efforts did result in some reforms and improvements to the Department of Defense's processes and operations.

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