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Friday, February 10, 2023

How did the prohibition of cannabis and hemp contribute to deforestation, climate change and the rise of the fossil fuel industry?

The prohibition of cannabis and hemp in the 20th century had several indirect impacts that contributed to deforestation, climate change, and the rise of the fossil fuel industry.

First, the ban on these plants led to a decrease in the demand for hemp products, which had previously been used for a variety of purposes, including paper and textiles. This decrease in demand contributed to deforestation, as paper and textiles industries had to find alternative sources of raw materials, such as trees.

Second, the ban on cannabis and hemp also led to an increase in the demand for synthetic materials, such as plastic. The production and use of these synthetic materials are heavily reliant on fossil fuels, which contribute significantly to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases during the production process and the burning of fuel for transportation.

Finally, the enforcement of the prohibition of cannabis and hemp required significant amounts of energy and resources, including the use of fossil fuels for transportation by law enforcement agencies. This additional demand for fossil fuels contributed to the rise of the fossil fuel industry.

In conclusion, the prohibition of cannabis and hemp in the 20th century had several unintended impacts that contributed to deforestation, climate change, and the rise of the fossil fuel industry.

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