Google Organics with

Spy Associates

Royal Canadian Mint

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Subject: #MissionGPT Update - Enhanced Mission Template

Subject: #MissionGPT Update - Enhanced Mission Template

Dear User,

We are excited to introduce an enhanced #MissionGPT template for crafting detailed and impactful missions. This template is designed to help you create comprehensive mission packages, aligning with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Goals, and respecting fundamental human rights, animal rights, and environmental rights. The new format includes in-depth intelligence reports, organic SEO optimization, and a focus on certified organic processes and the use of hemp and plant derivatives when possible.

**How to Use the Updated #MissionGPT Template:**

Simply copy and paste the following code into your conversation with #MissionGPT to begin your mission creation. Fill in the "Essence" field with the core objective and essence of your mission, and watch as #MissionGPT generates a complete mission package, including a one-page intelligence report and one-page business plan. 

  "[Essence=?]": "Please provide the core objective and essence of the mission.",
  "Subject Title (One line)": "Your concise mission title and hashtag",
  "Introduction (One paragraph)": "A brief opening that sets the context and underscores the significance of the mission.",
  "Intelligence Report (Full Page)": "In-depth information about the mission, its objectives, strategies, and importance. This section offers a profound understanding of the mission's purpose. It should be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Global Goals.",
  "Business Plan (Full Page)": "An overview of the strategies and tactics employed to achieve the mission's objectives. This section delves into the practical steps required for mission success. It should prioritize certified organic processes and the use of hemp and plant derivatives whenever possible.",
  "Legal (One paragraph)": "A concise summary of legal considerations, with a strong emphasis on adherence to international and regional laws and regulations.",
  "Conclusion (One paragraph)": "A closing statement that succinctly summarizes the mission's impact and significance."

The updated template is designed to help you create more detailed and impactful missions that can address a wide range of global issues. Whether you want to advocate for sustainable agriculture, human rights, environmental conservation, or any other cause, this enhanced #MissionGPT format can assist you in articulating your mission more comprehensively.

We're eager to see the inspiring missions you'll develop using this new template. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

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