Google Organics with

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

**#MissionMoncton** **Subject:** Establishing Moncton, NB, Canada as the Home of Search For Organics Global Operations HQ Campus

**Subject:** Establishing Moncton, NB, Canada as the Home of Search For Organics Global Operations HQ Campus

**Introduction:** #MissionMoncton is a mission dedicated to transforming Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, into the home of the future Search For Organics global operations HQ campus. This mission envisions the creation of an organic powerhouse in Moncton, with the potential to employ millions of people and transform the city into a thriving organic metropolis.

**Intelligence Report:** Moncton, known for its strategic location and vibrant community, presents a unique opportunity to become a hub for global organic operations. #MissionMoncton aims to establish the headquarters of Search For Organics in Moncton, with a focus on creating a dynamic organic ecosystem that promotes employment and economic growth.

**Business Plan:** Our strategy involves the development of a state-of-the-art global operations campus, research and development facilities, certified organic farms, and a network of businesses that adhere to organic principles. Moncton will serve as a model city for organic living, fostering economic growth and supporting the principles of sustainability.

**Legal:** We will ensure full compliance with international, national, and regional laws and regulations related to organic operations, employment, and environmental sustainability. Our approach will uphold human rights and ethical norms.

**Conclusion:** #MissionMoncton is a visionary initiative to empower Moncton, New Brunswick, and establish it as the global epicenter of Search For Organics' operations. Through research, development, and legal compliance, we aim to create a thriving organic metropolis that provides employment opportunities, fosters economic growth, and exemplifies the principles of organic sustainability.

Join us in this mission to make Moncton, Canada, a symbol of organic innovation and progress.


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

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