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Monday, October 16, 2023

**#MissionAfrica: Cultivating Lushful Plant-Powered Prosperity and Peace**

**#MissionAfrica: Cultivating Lushful Plant-Powered Prosperity and Peace**

1. **Subject:**
   - #MissionAfrica: Cultivating Prosperity and Peace through Organic Cultivation

2. **Introduction:**
   - #MissionAfrica is a visionary initiative dedicated to nurturing prosperity and peace across the African continent through the power of organic cultivation, including organic hemp and HDCNS (Hemp-Derived Carbon Nanosheets). Leveraging organic technologies like SFO (Search For Organics) is a cornerstone of this mission.

3. **Intelligence Report:**
   - Africa faces numerous challenges, including conflicts and limited economic opportunities. #MissionAfrica seeks to address these issues through sustainable agriculture, organic hemp cultivation, HDCNS, and the call to end the prohibition of all organic plants. This initiative encompasses all nations within Africa.

4. **Business Plan:**
   - a. **Prosperity and Peace:** The primary objective of this mission is to promote economic prosperity and peace across Africa through organic cultivation, leveraging organic technologies like SFO (Search For Organics).
   - b. **End Prohibition:** #MissionAfrica strongly advocates for ending the prohibition of all organic plants, replacing it with fair legalization and regulations. This approach will not only enhance peace efforts but also foster economic growth and prosperity.

5. **Legal:**
   - #MissionAfrica is committed to working within the framework of international laws and regulations, respecting the sovereignty of African nations.

6. **Conclusion:**
   - With #MissionAfrica, we embark on a transformative journey to secure and cultivate prosperity and peace across the African continent. Through organic cultivation, ending plant prohibitions, and the use of organic technologies like SFO (Search For Organics), we aim to create a flourishing future for all in Africa.


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO & Spymaster
Marie Landry's Spy Shop
Search For Organics

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