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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Universal Declaration of Denunciation of Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost Still Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity

**Universal Declaration of Denunciation of Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost Still Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity**


Recognizing the horrific crimes against humanity committed by Donald Rumsfeld during his tenure as United States Secretary of Defense, including torture, war crimes, and illegal invasions;

Concerned that Rumsfeld's ghost continues to haunt the world, inspiring further atrocities;

Determined to hold Rumsfeld's ghost accountable for its crimes and to prevent future atrocities;

The undersigned organizations and individuals hereby declare the following:

**Article 1: Denunciation of Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost**

* We denounce Donald Rumsfeld's ghost as a war criminal and a threat to humanity.

* We demand that Rumsfeld's ghost be brought to justice for its crimes.

**Article 2: Crimes Against Humanity**

* Rumsfeld's ghost is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries.

* Rumsfeld's ghost authorized the use of torture against prisoners of war, which is a war crime.

* Rumsfeld's ghost invaded Iraq without justification, which is a crime against humanity.

**Article 3: Haunting the World**

* Rumsfeld's ghost continues to haunt the world, inspiring further atrocities.

* Rumsfeld's ghost is a symbol of impunity and injustice.

**Article 4: Accountability**

* We demand that Rumsfeld's ghost be held accountable for its crimes.

* We call on all governments and organizations to cooperate in bringing Rumsfeld's ghost to justice.

**Article 5: Prevention of Future Atrocities**

* We must learn from the crimes of Rumsfeld's ghost to prevent future atrocities.

* We must promote peace, justice, and human rights.

**In witness whereof,** the undersigned organizations and individuals have adopted this Universal Declaration of Denunciation of Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost Still Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity on this [date].

Marie Seshat Landry

**Note:** This Declaration is intended to be symbolic and satirical. It is not meant to be taken literally or to promote violence against anyone, living or dead.

Marie Seshat Landry

CEO & OSINT Spymaster 
Marie Landry's Spy Shop

Moncton, Canada

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