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Saturday, March 9, 2024

OSINT Intelligence Report: Top 10 Issues in Moroccan Politics in 2024

OSINT Intelligence Report: Top 10 Issues in Moroccan Politics in 2024

1. Crackdown on Freedom of Expression and Association [[1]]( - Several high-profile journalists, activists, and protest leaders have been imprisoned for criticizing the ruling monarchy. - Authorities use tactics such as unfair trials, criminal charges, harassment, surveillance, and smear campaigns to suppress dissent. 2. Freedom of Speech - Cases of journalists and social media activists convicted on charges of libel, publishing false news, insulting officials, and undermining state security or the monarchy [[1]]( - Journalists from foreign media outlets have been expelled for operating without official authorization [[1]]( 3. Freedom of Assembly - Impediments faced by the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) and other civic groups in obtaining legal status or completing administrative procedures [[1]]( 4. Women's and Girls' Rights - Revising the 2004 Family Code to address gender inequalities in marriage, divorce, and guardianship of children [[1]]( - Challenges in accessing protections for survivors of domestic violence and inadequate funding for women's shelters [[1]]( 5. Penal Code - Criminalization of abortion, sex outside of marriage, adultery, and same-sex relations [[1]]( - Prosecution and imprisonment of individuals under these provisions, even without evidence of engaging in same-sex sexual acts [[1]]( 6. Western Sahara - Dispute between Morocco and the Polisario Front over the self-determination of Western Sahara [[1]]( - Morocco's rejection of a UN-sponsored referendum on self-determination and pressure on Western allies to recognize its sovereignty over Western Sahara [[1]]( 7. Rif Region - Imprisonment of protesters associated with the Hirak movement from Morocco's northern Rif region [[1]]( - Allegations of confessions obtained under torture and upholding of convictions despite concerns [[1]]( 8. Refugees and Asylum Seekers - Delay in approving a draft law on the right to asylum [[1]]( - Presence of refugees and asylum seekers in Morocco, with challenges in accessing protection and incidents of excessive force at the border [[1]]( 9. Economic Risk Analysis - Increasing popularity of bank transfers as a means of payment, with cheques and bills of exchange still commonly used [[2]]( - Debt collection procedures involving amicable settlement negotiations [[2]]( --- Learn more: 1. [World Report 2024: Morocco and Western Sahara | Human Rights Watch]( 2. [Morocco: Country File, Economic Risk Analysis | Coface]( 3. [The end of the Moroccan "model": How Islamists lost despite winning | Brookings](

Marie Seshat Landry

CEO & OSINT Spymaster 
Marie Landry's Spy Shop

Moncton, Canada

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