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Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Urgent Need for Organic Permaculture: How Hemp Can Help Save the Planet

The environmental crisis we are currently facing is a direct result of our unsustainable agricultural practices and reliance on non-renewable resources. Hemp, which has been prohibited for decades, could have been a key component in sustainable agriculture and organic permaculture.

Organic permaculture, a system of farming that focuses on sustainable and regenerative practices, is the only way forward if we hope to restore the health of our planet. By incorporating hemp into this system, we can greatly reduce our dependence on harmful synthetic inputs and promote biodiversity.

Hemp can be used for a wide range of applications, from building materials to textiles and biofuels. In addition, hemp can be grown in a variety of conditions and requires very little water or fertilizer compared to other crops.

By growing 1 billion acres of hemp and 1 billion acres of edible trees, we can create a sustainable and regenerative ecosystem that will help heal the damage we have caused to our planet. It is crucial that we act now and make the necessary changes to ensure a livable future for generations to come.

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