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Royal Canadian Mint

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

An Open Letter to the Bank of Canada: Ten Reasons to Incorporate Hemp Fibers and Hemp Nano Sheets in the Printing of our Money Supply

 Dear Bank of Canada,

I am writing to you to urge you to consider incorporating hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in the printing of the Canadian money supply. As a longtime advocate for the use of hemp in various industries, I strongly believe that this move would have numerous benefits for our economy and our environment.

Here are ten reasons why the Bank of Canada should consider using hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in the printing of our money:

  1. Sustainability: Hemp is one of the most sustainable crops on earth, requiring little water and no pesticides or herbicides. Using hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in our money supply would significantly reduce the environmental impact of our currency production.

  2. Durability: Hemp fibers are extremely strong and durable, making them an ideal choice for the production of paper currency.

  3. Security: Hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets have unique physical and chemical properties that make them difficult to counterfeit, providing enhanced security features for our currency.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: The use of hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in the production of our currency would be cost-effective in the long run, as they are durable and resistant to wear and tear.

  5. Job creation: Incorporating hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in our money supply would create new jobs in the hemp industry and other related fields.

  6. Innovation: The use of hemp in our money supply would demonstrate Canada's commitment to innovation and sustainability, setting an example for other countries to follow.

  7. Health benefits: Hemp fibers are naturally antimicrobial and can help to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria, contributing to a healthier and safer money supply.

  8. National pride: Hemp has a long history in Canada and has played an important role in our country's development. Using hemp in our money supply would be a source of national pride and a symbol of our country's commitment to sustainability.

  9. Economic growth: The hemp industry is growing rapidly and incorporating hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in our money supply would help to support this growth, contributing to Canada's overall economic growth.

  10. Environmental protection: Using hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in our money supply would reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and contribute to the protection of our environment for future generations.

I hope that you will consider these reasons and take action to incorporate hemp fibers and hemp nano sheets in the printing of our money supply. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Marie Landry

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