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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

An Open Letter to the Canadian Government: Prioritizing Sustainable Agriculture and Supporting Organic Industry

Dear Canadian Government,

I am writing this open letter to you as the CEO of Search For Organics, a company committed to promoting and supporting the organic industry in Canada and around the world. I am reaching out to you today to express our concerns about the current state of organic agriculture in Canada and to offer some suggestions for improving it.

As you are aware, organic agriculture is an essential component of sustainable food production, which has a direct impact on our environment, health, and economy. However, despite the growing demand for organic products, the Canadian organic industry faces several challenges that must be addressed.

Firstly, there is a lack of clear and consistent regulation and certification standards across the country. This lack of uniformity makes it difficult for consumers and producers to navigate the market, and it also undermines consumer trust in organic products.

Secondly, there is a need for more investment in organic research and development, including the development of new technologies and practices to improve yields, reduce waste, and enhance soil health.

Lastly, there is a need to improve the accessibility and affordability of organic products to ensure that all Canadians can benefit from the health and environmental benefits of organic food.

As a Canadian company committed to promoting and supporting the organic industry, we believe that the government has an important role to play in addressing these challenges. We urge the government to take action by:

  1. Implementing consistent national organic regulations and certification standards to increase consumer trust and facilitate the growth of the organic industry.

  2. Investing in organic research and development, including the development of new technologies and practices to enhance soil health, reduce waste, and improve yields.

  3. Providing financial support and incentives to producers who adopt organic practices, thereby increasing the accessibility and affordability of organic products.

We believe that these actions will help to drive the fourth agricultural revolution, which is centered on sustainable food production and environmental stewardship. As a company committed to promoting and supporting organic agriculture, we stand ready to work with the government to achieve these goals.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Marie Landry CEO, Search For Organics

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