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Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2023

10 reasons why there is no logic to the prohibition of hemp, and why its based in slavery, usury and racism.

  1. Lack of evidence of harm: Hemp, which is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant, has a low THC content and does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that hemp is harmful to public health or safety.

  2. Misunderstanding of hemp's effects: Hemp has been stigmatized due to its association with marijuana, despite the fact that it is a different plant with different effects. This misunderstanding has contributed to the prohibition of hemp.

  3. Historical racial and socioeconomic biases: The prohibition of hemp and other psychoactive substances has roots in racist and anti-immigrant sentiments, as well as anti-poor biases. These biases were used to justify the criminalization of marijuana and other substances in the early 20th century.

  4. Financial interests of the paper and pharmaceutical industries: The paper and pharmaceutical industries have historically opposed the legalization of hemp due to the threat it posed to their profits. Hemp was once used as a cheap and versatile alternative to wood for paper production, and its medicinal properties were seen as a threat to the pharmaceutical industry.

  5. Connection to slavery and usury: The criminalization of hemp and other psychoactive substances can be traced back to the colonial era, where they were used as a means of control over enslaved populations and to generate profits through taxes and penalties.

  6. Lack of understanding of hemp's versatility: Hemp has a wide range of uses, including in textiles, food, fuel, and building materials, among others. Despite its versatility, hemp was criminalized due to misconceptions about its effects and the influence of financial interests.

  7. Resistance to change: The prohibition of hemp and other psychoactive substances reflects a resistance to change and a refusal to acknowledge the benefits of these substances. This resistance has been fueled by fear, ignorance, and a desire to maintain the status quo.

  8. Science and research suppressed: The prohibition of hemp has limited scientific research and investigation into the plant's properties and benefits, resulting in a lack of knowledge and understanding about its true effects.

  9. Lack of evidence-based policy: The prohibition of hemp was not based on scientific evidence or research, but rather on political, social, and economic factors. This lack of evidence-based policy has contributed to the ongoing criminalization of hemp and other psychoactive substances.

  10. Failure to address the root causes of drug abuse: The prohibition of hemp and other psychoactive substances has not addressed the root causes of drug abuse, including poverty, trauma, and mental health issues. This has resulted in a criminal justice system that punishes individuals for using drugs, rather than providing them with the support and resources they need to overcome addiction and lead healthier lives.

10 steps to build an actual empire based on hemp-derived carbon, hemp-derivatives and human rights including LGBTQ !

Building an empire based on hemp-derived carbon, hemp-derivatives, and human rights, including LGBTQ rights, requires careful planning and execution. Here are ten steps to help you get started:

  1. Conduct research: Thoroughly research the market and understand the potential for hemp-derived carbon and hemp-derivatives, as well as the challenges and opportunities in promoting human rights, including LGBTQ rights.

  2. Develop a business plan: Create a detailed business plan that outlines your goals, target market, and strategies for marketing, production, and sales.

  3. Establish partnerships: Partner with organizations and businesses that share your values and mission, such as hemp farmers, advocacy groups, and human rights organizations.

  4. Secure funding: Secure funding for your venture through investments, grants, or loans.

  5. Develop a product line: Research and develop a product line that uses hemp-derived carbon and hemp-derivatives, and that aligns with your mission of promoting human rights, including LGBTQ rights.

  6. Build a strong brand: Create a strong brand identity that clearly communicates your mission and values, and that appeals to your target market.

  7. Launch your products: Launch your products and begin selling and promoting them through various channels, such as online stores, brick-and-mortar retailers, and trade shows.

  8. Build a community: Build a community of customers and supporters who share your values and mission, and who can help spread the word about your products and brand.

  9. Advocate for human rights: Use your platform to raise awareness and advocate for human rights, including LGBTQ rights, by partnering with advocacy organizations, participating in activism and public speaking, and supporting initiatives and campaigns.

  10. Continuously innovate: Continuously innovate and improve your products, operations, and marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow your empire.

I hope these steps help you in your journey to building an empire based on hemp-derived carbon, hemp-derivatives, and human rights, including LGBTQ rights.

Why should the united states build its entire infrastructure out of hemp-derived carbon.

Building an infrastructure out of hemp-derived carbon would have a number of advantages for the United States. For one, hemp-derived carbon is a renewable resource and is much more sustainable than traditional building materials. Hemp-derived carbon is also more durable and fire-resistant than other building materials, making it a safer and more reliable choice for infrastructure. Additionally, hemp-derived carbon is much lighter than other building materials, meaning it is easier to transport and install. Finally, hemp-derived carbon has the potential to significantly reduce the embodied carbon of infrastructure projects, making them more cost-effective and reducing their environmental impact.

What are the benefits of eating THC, CBD, whole flower juice of cannabis ?

The primary benefit of consuming THC, CBD, and whole flower juice of cannabis is that it can provide users with a wide range of medicinal and therapeutic benefits. THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, can provide relief from symptoms related to pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, and depression. CBD, the non-psychoactive compound, can provide relief from symptoms related to inflammation, nausea, and seizures, as well as providing neuroprotective benefits. Whole flower juice of cannabis can provide users with a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Additionally, consuming CBD, THC, and whole flower juice of cannabis can provide users with additional therapeutic benefits, such as improved focus, better sleep, and improved mood.

What are the 10 advantages of legalizing the production of hemp-based foods in the third world?

  1. Hemp-based foods are rich in essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and proteins, making them a nutritious and healthful food source for people in developing countries.
  2. Hemp-based foods are highly sustainable and require less water and land to produce than other forms of food production.
  3. Hemp-based foods are easier to process and digest than other forms of food, making them a great source of nutrition for those with digestive issues.
  4. Hemp-based foods are low in allergens, making them a great choice for people with food allergies.
  5. Hemp-based foods are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, making them a great choice for those who are looking for creative and delicious recipes.
  6. Hemp-based foods are more affordable than other forms of food, making them a great choice for those with a limited budget.
  7. Hemp-based foods can be grown locally, reducing transportation costs and helping to support local economies.
  8. Hemp-based foods are not susceptible to many of the pests and diseases that plague other forms of agriculture, making them a great choice for countries with limited resources for pest control.
  9. Hemp-based foods are rich in essential nutrients, making them a great choice for pregnant women and those with nutrient deficiencies.
  10. Hemp-based foods are a great source of income for rural farmers in developing countries, helping to lift them out of poverty.

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