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Monday, February 5, 2024

Universal Declaration of Safe Sex

## Universal Declaration of Safe Sex

### Preamble

Acknowledging the inherent dignity, freedom, and equal rights of all individuals as the foundation of a just and peaceful society,

Recognizing the fundamental importance of sexual health, rights, and freedoms as essential components of human well-being and development,

Affirming the need for a society that promotes consent, education, respect, and protection in all matters of sexual activity and expression,

Determined to create a world where every individual can express their sexuality freely, safely, and without fear of judgment, coercion, or violence,

We, the people, hereby adopt this Universal Declaration of Safe Sex as a standard for all to strive towards, to ensure the dignity, respect, and safety of every person in their sexual lives.

### Articles

1. **Right to Consensual Adult Sex**: Every adult has the inherent right to engage in consensual sexual activities, respecting personal boundaries and the well-being of all parties involved.

2. **Rights of Sex Workers and Clients**: All individuals participating in sex work, whether as workers or clients, have the right to safety, respect, and protection under the law, free from stigma and discrimination.

3. **Right to Protection and Sexual Health**: Individuals have the right to access sexual health services, including protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and access to contraception, to promote safe sexual practices.

4. **Rights of LGBTQ+ and Gender-Diverse Individuals**: Everyone has the right to express their gender identity and sexual orientation freely and safely, without fear of discrimination or harm.

5. **Right to Gender Equality in Public Expression**: The right to express one's body in public, including the right to be topless, applies equally to all genders wherever it is legally permitted for any gender.

6. **Right to Express Sexuality and Body Autonomy**: Individuals have the right to dress and present themselves in a manner that expresses their sexuality, including the wearing of lingerie, bikinis, or other revealing attire in appropriate public settings.

7. **Right to Safe Sex Education**: Everyone has the right to comprehensive and inclusive sex education that fosters a safe, consensual, and respectful approach to sexuality and relationships.

8. **Right to Defense Against Sexual Violence**: Individuals have the right to protection, legal recourse, and support against sexual harassment, assault, and all forms of sexual violence.

9. **Right to Privacy and Sexual Autonomy**: Individuals have the right to privacy in their sexual lives and decisions, free from surveillance, exposure, or unwarranted interference.

10. **Right to Sexual Pleasure and Emotional Expression**: Recognizing sexual pleasure as a natural aspect of human life, individuals have the right to seek pleasure and express their sexuality in emotionally fulfilling ways.

11. **Right to Free Association and Relationship Formation**: People have the right to freely form, conduct, and dissolve sexual and romantic relationships based on mutual consent and respect.

12. **Right to Benefit from Scientific Progress in Sexual Health**: Individuals have the right to access and benefit from advancements in sexual health, treatments, and preventive measures.

13. **Right to Protection from Gender-Based Violence**: Everyone has the right to live free from gender-based violence, coercion, and exploitation, ensuring a society that respects and protects all individuals.

14. **Right to Reproductive Health Services**: Individuals have the right to access comprehensive reproductive health services and make informed decisions about their reproductive lives without discrimination.

### Conclusion

This Declaration serves as a commitment to uphold and protect the sexual rights, health, and freedoms of all individuals. It calls upon individuals, communities, and nations to adopt, promote, and implement these principles, ensuring a world where sexual expression is celebrated, consensual, and safe for everyone.


This declaration integrates comprehensive rights and principles to safeguard and promote a sexually liberated world, emphasizing consent, education, and protection. 

Marie Seshat Landry
Marie Landry's Spy Shop

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