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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The situation in Nigeria as of November 20, 2023

The situation in Nigeria as of November 20, 2023, is characterized by several critical issues: 1. **Food Insecurity and Hunger**: Nearly 4.4 million people are projected to face severe hunger from June to August 2024, especially in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states. This situation is exacerbated by limited access to farmland due to insecurity, forcing many of the 2.2 million internally displaced persons to adopt negative coping mechanisms. 2. **Floods in Adamawa State**: Floods have caused significant loss of life and injuries, with over 70 people dead and more than 490 injured. The floods have also resulted in displacement and damaged infrastructure, including schools and health centers. 3. **Diphtheria Outbreak**: There has been a spread of diphtheria across Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states, resulting in over 200 children's deaths. The outbreak is severe among children under 15. 4. **Widespread Health and Nutrition Issues**: There's a high risk of acute malnutrition, with about 9 million children at risk in 2024, and approximately 2.6 million children could face severe acute malnutrition. These challenges are intensified by factors such as conflict, climate change, inflation, and the rising cost of living. 5. **Humanitarian Aid and Funding**: Around 8.3 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, and 4.3 million require food security assistance. There's a significant funding gap, with only a fraction of the required funds received. 6. **Infrastructure and Services**: There is a need for shelter, non-food items, water, sanitation, and hygiene services, especially for the displaced populations and those affected by flooding and disease outbreaks. 7. **Education and Safety**: The influx of refugees and displaced persons has created a need for more educational facilities and safety measures in camps. This situation presents a complex and multifaceted challenge requiring a coordinated response that addresses immediate humanitarian needs while also focusing on long-term solutions to enhance food security, healthcare, infrastructure, and overall stability in the region.

Attached: Situation Report - Nigeria - 20 Nov. 2023

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