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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Michael Dean’s Blueprint: Aligning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Michael Dean's Blueprint for a Utopian Space-Age is not just a vision of a better future, but also a plan that aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SDGs were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Here is a closer look at how Michael Dean's blueprint aligns with each of the SDGs.

SDG 1: No Poverty

Michael Dean’s plan addresses poverty by creating a national inheritance and compensation program for all citizens. This program aims to redistribute wealth and incentivize entrepreneurship and innovation.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Michael Dean’s plan promotes organic gardening and sustainable agricultural practices. This will ensure access to healthy and nutritious food for all citizens.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Michael Dean’s plan includes the creation of Blue Cross Peace Officer Divisions, without weapons, that will help reduce the negative effects of the justice system on communities. Legalizing marijuana and hemp and pardoning related non-violent crimes will also help address the mental health crisis.

SDG 4: Quality Education

Michael Dean’s plan aims to redirect tax subsidies and benefits towards small businesses, making it easier for them to afford education and training for their employees. Additionally, income taxes will be eliminated for incomes under $150k, making education more accessible to a wider range of people.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Michael Dean's plan does not specifically address gender equality. However, his focus on wealth redistribution and innovation may lead to greater opportunities for women and marginalized communities.

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Michael Dean’s plan advocates for the use of industrial hemp growth, which can help to clean the planet's air, water, and soil. Additionally, the replacement of plastics with biodegradable plant-based plastics will help reduce pollution.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Michael Dean's plan does not specifically address affordable and clean energy. However, the use of 3-D printing technology may drive down the cost of living in every industry, including energy.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Michael Dean’s plan redirects tax subsidies and benefits away from corporations and towards small businesses. This will help to promote entrepreneurship and create more job opportunities. Additionally, the national inheritance and compensation program aims to reduce poverty and promote economic growth.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Michael Dean’s plan promotes the use of 3-D printing technology to drive down the cost of living in every industry. Additionally, the creation of self-sufficient space-age cities and the use of industrial hemp growth can revolutionize infrastructure and lead to greater sustainability.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Michael Dean’s plan addresses inequality by promoting wealth redistribution and providing a national inheritance and compensation program for all citizens. The elimination of income taxes for incomes under $150k will also help to reduce inequality.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Michael Dean’s plan promotes the creation of self-sufficient space-age cities that utilize NASA level engineering. These cities will be designed for sustainability and help reduce the impact of humans on the planet.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Michael Dean’s plan promotes the use of biodegradable plant-based plastics, which are a more sustainable alternative to current plastics. Additionally, the use of industrial hemp growth will promote responsible production and consumption.

SDG 13: Climate Action

Michael Dean’s plan promotes the use of industrial hemp growth, which can help to clean the planet's air, water, and soil. 

SDG 14. Life Below Water

Michael Dean's plan includes a shift towards biodegradable plant-based plastics and organic gardening in new infrastructure deals. This promotes sustainability and reduces the negative impact on the world's oceans and marine life.

SDG 15. Life On Land

Michael Dean's blueprint promotes sustainability through the use of industrial hemp growth to clean the air, water, and soil, as well as the implementation of organic gardening in infrastructure deals. Additionally, the plan includes the creation of self-sufficient, space-age cities that are designed to have a reduced impact on the environment.

SDG 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

 Michael Dean's blueprint proposes a new type of law enforcement with the creation of Blue Cross Peace Officer Divisions, without weapons, which help to reduce the negative effects of the justice system on society. The plan also includes the end of the war on drugs and the beginning of a war on the mental health crisis to further help to heal and unite our society.

SDG 17. Partnerships for the Goals

 Michael Dean's blueprint recognizes that achieving these goals will require collaboration and cooperation between individuals, communities, and nations. The plan calls for a shift in perspective from one of division and competition to one of collaboration and cooperation, and for redirecting tax subsidies and benefits from corporations to small businesses to support partnerships that prioritize the common good.

In conclusion, Michael Dean's blueprint for a Utopian Space-Age aligns with all 17 of the UN's SDGs, showing a comprehensive understanding of the complex challenges we face as a global society. Through collaboration, innovation, and sustainable practices, the plan presents a viable path towards a better future for all.

Weekly Roundup: Highlights from Our Conversations this Week

Hi everyone, Marie Landry here! As we wrap up another week, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the topics we covered in our conversations. From the benefits of hemp-derived carbon nanosheets to the case for ending drug prohibition, here are some of the highlights:

  • We discussed the potential for hemp-derived carbon nanosheets to revolutionize the military industry, with applications ranging from body armor to aircraft.

  • We explored the benefits of Search For Organics (SFO) technology, which prioritizes certified organic products in its search engine, helping consumers make environmentally conscious purchasing decisions.

  • We delved into the issue of license plate covers, discussing the legality of their use and the potential safety risks they pose on the road.

  • We debated the merits of regulating drugs versus criminalizing them, with a focus on Canada's Cannabis Act and its impact on human rights for incarcerated individuals.

  • We explored the potential for hemp and other plant-based materials to replace fossil fuels and create a more sustainable world.

As always, I appreciate the engaging and thought-provoking conversations we have here. I look forward to continuing these discussions and exploring new topics in the weeks to come.

Until next time,

Marie Landry

Towards a Plant-Based World: Why Fossil Fuels are Not Even Needed at All

Dear readers,

The world is facing an existential crisis due to climate change caused by our dependence on fossil fuels. Our continued use of these finite resources is unsustainable and has devastating impacts on the environment. However, there is a solution that many people overlook: a shift towards a plant-based world.

Plant-based alternatives to fossil fuels have been around for centuries, but we have only recently begun to explore their full potential. Hemp, for example, can be used to make biofuels that are both renewable and carbon-neutral. The crop can grow in a variety of climates, making it an ideal source for fuel.

Hemp also has many other uses beyond fuel. Its fibers can be used to make textiles, paper, and building materials. Its seeds are a nutritious food source, containing high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. And as we have seen in previous posts, hemp-derived carbon nano sheets can be used for a range of military and industrial applications.

But hemp is just one example. There are many other plants that can be used to replace fossil fuels and other unsustainable products. For example, algae can be used to make biofuels and bioplastics, while switchgrass can be used as a feedstock for biofuels.

A plant-based world would not only be more sustainable, but also more equitable. Many communities around the world rely on fossil fuels for their energy needs, but they are often left with the environmental and health impacts of these industries. Plant-based alternatives, however, can be produced locally and in a decentralized manner, providing more economic opportunities for these communities.

Of course, transitioning to a plant-based world will not be easy. The fossil fuel industry is deeply entrenched in our society and has significant political power. But we can start by supporting plant-based alternatives and advocating for policies that incentivize their development and use.

In conclusion, a plant-based world is not just a pipe dream. It is a tangible solution to the climate crisis that we face today. By embracing the potential of plants, we can create a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Sincerely, Marie Landry

The Human Prohibition of Cannabis and Hemp: A Flawed System

Dear readers,

Today, I want to talk about the prohibition of cannabis and hemp and how it is a flawed system that has caused more harm than good. For decades, governments around the world have criminalized the use, possession, and cultivation of these plants, leading to the mass incarceration of millions of people, particularly people of color. The consequences of this policy are devastating and go beyond the criminal justice system.

First and foremost, the prohibition of cannabis and hemp has denied millions of people access to a plant with tremendous therapeutic potential. Studies have shown that cannabis and hemp can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. However, the criminalization of these plants has made it difficult for researchers to study their potential benefits, and patients who could benefit from them often have limited access to these treatments.

Furthermore, the prohibition of cannabis and hemp has fueled a black market that is often controlled by criminal organizations. This has led to increased violence and corruption, as well as the proliferation of dangerous and unregulated products. In addition, the criminalization of these plants has led to the stigmatization of users, who are often portrayed as criminals or addicts.

The prohibition of cannabis and hemp has also had a significant impact on the environment. The cultivation of these plants requires a significant amount of water and resources, and their criminalization has led to the destruction of natural habitats and the use of harmful chemicals. In contrast, the legalization of cannabis and hemp could provide a more sustainable alternative to traditional crops and help reduce the negative environmental impact of agriculture.

Finally, the prohibition of cannabis and hemp is a violation of human rights. The criminalization of these plants disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly people of color, who are more likely to be arrested, convicted, and sentenced to longer prison terms for drug-related offenses. This has led to the mass incarceration of millions of people, tearing families apart and perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality.

In conclusion, the prohibition of cannabis and hemp is a flawed system that has caused more harm than good. It denies people access to potentially life-changing treatments, fuels violence and corruption, harms the environment, and violates human rights. It is time for governments around the world to reevaluate their drug policies and move towards a more rational and evidence-based approach to drug regulation.


Marie Landry

Canada's Cannabis Act and Human Rights: Striving for Equity and Justice

As Canada legalized cannabis for both medical and recreational use, many questions were raised about how the new legislation would impact human rights practices. In particular, the issue of cannabis use among inmates and incarcerated people has been a controversial topic.

While the Cannabis Act allows for the legal purchase and consumption of cannabis by adults, inmates and incarcerated people are not given the same right. This raises concerns about the discriminatory practices that are inherent in our criminal justice system.

Studies have shown that cannabis can be beneficial in treating various mental and physical health conditions. This means that denying access to cannabis to inmates who may benefit from its use is a violation of their human rights. Additionally, denying access to cannabis to inmates who are addicted to drugs or who use drugs recreationally perpetuates the stigma and discrimination associated with drug use.

Furthermore, the criminalization of drug use and possession disproportionately affects marginalized communities, including Indigenous people and people of colour. This further highlights the need for a shift towards a more equitable and just approach to drug policy.

One solution to address these issues is to provide free hemp (cannabis) cigarettes to inmates and incarcerated people. These hemp (cannabis) cigarettes contain a low concentration of THC, which means that they have low psychoactive effects. Instead, they provide the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids, which can help reduce anxiety and alleviate pain. In fact, all types of cannabis and hemp should be available in incarceration centers, regardless of THC concentration.

Providing access to these hemp and cannabis cigarettes could help inmates and incarcerated people manage their mental and physical health conditions, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. This would also be a step towards recognizing the human rights of inmates and incarcerated people and working towards a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, Canada's Cannabis Act provides an opportunity to address the discriminatory practices that have historically been embedded in our criminal justice system. By recognizing the benefits of cannabis and providing access to it for inmates and incarcerated people, we can work towards a more equitable and just society.

Ending the Drug War: A Case for Regulating Drugs Instead of Criminalizing Them

Dear readers,

For decades, we have been fighting a war on drugs. We have spent billions of dollars and countless hours trying to combat the drug epidemic, but what have we achieved? High incarceration rates, racial disparities, and countless lives lost to overdose and violence. It's time to rethink our approach to drug policy.

Instead of criminalizing drug use, we should focus on regulating drugs. By doing so, we can address the root causes of drug abuse, including poverty, trauma, and mental health issues. Regulating drugs would also allow us to ensure the safety and purity of substances, reducing the risk of overdose and other health complications.

Some argue that regulating drugs would increase their use, but evidence from other countries suggests otherwise. Portugal, for example, decriminalized drug use in 2001 and saw a decrease in drug-related deaths and HIV infections. The Netherlands has also had success with its regulated cannabis market, which has decreased drug use among young people.

Furthermore, regulating drugs would free up resources currently spent on drug enforcement and allow law enforcement to focus on more pressing issues, such as violent crime. It would also reduce the power of drug cartels and organized crime, as their profits would be greatly reduced in a regulated market.

Of course, regulating drugs is not without its challenges. It would require a significant shift in public opinion and political will. It would also require careful planning and regulation to ensure that drugs are distributed safely and responsibly.

But the benefits of regulating drugs far outweigh the costs. It's time to end the war on drugs and embrace a new approach. By regulating drugs, we can reduce harm, save lives, and make our communities safer and more just.


Marie Landry

How Hemp-Derived Carbon Nano Sheets Can Revolutionize NATO's Military

In today's world, military forces need to be equipped with the best technology and materials available to ensure the safety of their troops and the success of their missions. That's why I want to talk to you about hemp-derived carbon nano sheets and how they can revolutionize NATO's military.

Carbon nano sheets are a newly discovered wonder material that can be derived from hemp biomass using a zero-waste process. These sheets are incredibly strong, lightweight, and have a range of potential applications in military operations. Here are some of the key benefits that NATO's militaries could enjoy by incorporating hemp-derived carbon nano sheets into their operations:

  1. Stronger and lighter armor: Hemp-derived carbon nano sheets are 200 times stronger than steel, making them an ideal material for body armor, helmets, and other protective gear. Their lightweight nature also means that soldiers can carry more equipment without being weighed down, increasing their mobility and effectiveness in the field.

  2. Better transportation: Tanks, military vehicles, aircraft, and rockets can all benefit from the use of carbon nano sheets. They can make these vehicles stronger and lighter, improving fuel efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.

  3. More secure bunkers: Hemp-derived carbon nano sheets can be used to reinforce bunkers and other structures, making them more resistant to attacks and natural disasters.

  4. Improved infrastructure: Carbon nano sheets can be used to build stronger highways, tunnels, bridges, and buildings that can withstand extreme weather and other challenges.

  5. Enhanced communication: Carbon nano sheets are excellent conductors of heat and electricity, making them ideal for use in advanced communication technologies.

  6. Higher energy efficiency: Hemp-derived carbon nano sheets can be used to improve the efficiency of energy storage and transmission systems, reducing energy waste and improving sustainability.

  7. Increased safety: Carbon nano sheets can be used to create fire-resistant materials and coatings, improving the safety of soldiers and equipment in high-risk environments.

  8. Lower costs: Carbon nano sheets can be produced at a lower cost than traditional materials like steel, making them an attractive option for militaries looking to reduce their expenses.

  9. Environmental benefits: Hemp is a sustainable crop that can be grown without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. By using hemp-derived carbon nano sheets, NATO's militaries can reduce their environmental impact while also benefiting from the material's unique properties.

  10. Versatility: Hemp-derived carbon nano sheets have a wide range of potential applications, making them a versatile and valuable addition to NATO's military operations.

In conclusion, hemp-derived carbon nano sheets have the potential to revolutionize NATO's military by providing stronger, lighter, and more cost-effective materials for a range of applications. I believe that it's time for NATO to start exploring the possibilities of this incredible material and harness its power for the benefit of our soldiers and our nations.


Marie Landry

The Importance of Reporting the Illegal Use of Licence Plate Covers

Dear readers,

Did you know that in Canada and the United States, it is illegal to use plastic covers to hide or alter your licence plate? While some people may think they are being clever by doing so, it's actually a serious offence that can have dangerous consequences.

Illegally covered licence plates can make it difficult for law enforcement to identify a vehicle, making it easier for criminals to commit crimes such as hit and run accidents or even theft. It can also obstruct the view of surveillance cameras, which can hinder investigations of criminal activity.

That's why it's important for everyone to keep an eye out for cars with covered licence plates and report them to the authorities. In Canada, the Criminal Code makes it illegal to use or possess an object to conceal a licence plate. In the United States, state laws vary, but it is generally illegal to obscure a licence plate in any way.

So the next time you see a car with a covered licence plate, don't hesitate to report it. You could be helping to prevent a crime and making your community a safer place.

Stay vigilant and stay safe,

Marie Landry

Prioritizing Certified Organic Products: The Benefits of Search For Organics (SFO) Technology

Search For Organics (SFO) technology is revolutionizing the way we search for and discover certified organic products. Instead of sifting through endless pages of search results, SFO technology prioritizes certified organic products, making it easier for consumers to find what they're looking for. Here are just a few of the benefits of using SFO technology for your organic product search:

  1. Prioritizes certified organic products: SFO technology ensures that certified organic products are given priority in search results, making it easier for consumers to find and purchase them.

  2. Saves time: By prioritizing certified organic products, SFO technology helps consumers save time by eliminating the need to sift through pages of search results.

  3. Supports sustainable and organic agriculture: SFO technology supports sustainable and organic agriculture by prioritizing certified organic products and promoting the growth of the organic industry.

  4. Increases access to organic products: By making it easier to find and purchase certified organic products, SFO technology increases access to organic products for consumers.

  5. Encourages healthier choices: By promoting certified organic products, SFO technology encourages consumers to make healthier and more sustainable choices.

In summary, SFO technology is an innovative and effective way to prioritize certified organic products in search results. By supporting sustainable and organic agriculture, increasing access to organic products, and promoting healthier choices, SFO technology is making a positive impact on the organic industry and the environment.

Seizing the Opportunity: Building a Stronger NATO Military with Hemp-Derived Carbon Nano Sheets

As the world continues to evolve, it's important that we find innovative solutions to protect our countries and our people. One of the latest advancements in technology is the discovery of hemp-derived carbon nano sheets. These incredible materials have the potential to revolutionize the way we build military vehicles and equipment.

NATO countries have a unique opportunity to lead the way in incorporating this technology into our military forces. By building stronger and more durable tanks, aircraft, and other vehicles, we can better protect our troops and ensure that they have the tools they need to defend our nations.

But the benefits don't stop there. Hemp-derived carbon nano sheets also have the potential to be used in infrastructure projects such as highways, tunnels, bridges, and buildings. By incorporating this technology into our civilian projects, we can create stronger and more resilient structures that can withstand natural disasters and other threats.

It's time for NATO countries to seize this opportunity and invest in the research and development of hemp-derived carbon nano sheets. By doing so, we can build a stronger, more innovative military force and create a safer, more resilient world for our citizens.


Marie Landry

Monday, March 6, 2023

Welcome to Marie Landry's Spy Shop!

As the CEO and Co-founder of various companies, including my newest venture, Marie Landry's Spy Shop, I'm excited to share my passion for technology, science, and business with you.

As a spymaster and polymathic entrepreneur, I bring a unique perspective to the world of spy gear and gadgets. At Marie Landry's Spy Shop, we specialize in providing high-quality, cutting-edge spy equipment and surveillance tools that are designed to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and government agencies.

Our products range from hidden cameras and GPS trackers to audio surveillance devices and counter-surveillance tools. We are committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and ensuring that our customers have access to the most innovative spy gear on the market.

But Marie Landry's Spy Shop isn't just about selling products. We are also dedicated to educating our customers on the latest trends and best practices in the field of espionage. Our blog is a place where you can find valuable insights and tips on how to protect yourself and your business from potential threats.

So whether you're a private investigator, business owner, or just someone who wants to stay ahead of the curve, Marie Landry's Spy Shop is your go-to source for all things spy-related. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey!

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