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To My Antifa Family,

To My Antifa Family,

I’m reaching out today because Canada is under siege. Not by external forces, but from within—by neo-Nazis, fascists, and extremists who are growing stronger by the day. These hate-fueled movements have been allowed to spread unchecked, and as a result, our communities—trans, LGBTQ+, racial minorities, women, immigrants, and anyone who opposes fascism—are all under direct threat.

I am not speaking to you as someone removed from this, but as someone who has faced these dangers firsthand. A neo-Nazi named Andrew “Christo” Nelson has been openly calling for genocide, violence, and insurrection against people like us—against people like me. He has threatened not only myself but Prime Minister Trudeau, President Biden, and anyone who stands in the way of his hateful ideology.

I’ve reported these threats to the RCMP, Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), and even the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Do you know what I’ve been met with? Silence. Canadian institutions have done nothing to stop the spread of this extremist hate. Why? Because in 2013, under Stephen Harper, Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act was repealed, leaving our country without the legal framework to fight online hate speech and extremism. This crucial law, which once protected us, was gutted, and now fascists like Andrew Nelson are free to spread their violence online and beyond.

Despite their sworn duties, Canadian authorities are standing by while we are terrorized. Our enemies are growing stronger because the state refuses to act.

But here’s what I know: we don’t wait for permission to defend ourselves. We don’t wait for the state to decide we’re worthy of protection. We stand up, we organize, and we fight back. Antifa is built on the principle that fascism cannot be tolerated—not in any form, not in any space, and not under any circumstances. And right now, Canada is tolerating fascism, and it’s our duty to stand in direct opposition.

I am calling on my Antifa brothers and sisters to rise up, to mobilize, and to stand in solidarity against the threat we face. This is not just about one man. This is about a nationwide failure to stop the spread of fascism. This is about the rise of neo-Nazism in our communities, and how we must confront it before it’s too late.

We are not alone. I have already reached out to international organizations—MI6, the CIA, Interpol, Emmanuel Macron in France, the White House, and even the United Nations. I am pushing for international pressure to force Canada to act. But we cannot rely on them alone. We need to take matters into our own hands.

Now, more than ever, we must be united. We cannot wait. We cannot stand idle. We need to be vigilant, we need to organize, and we need to fight back against those who wish to see us erased from existence.

We must also demand the reinstatement of Section 13, to give us the legal tools to fight online hate speech and extremism. Without it, the law is allowing Nazis to operate freely, and we cannot allow that to continue.

If you’re ready to stand in defense of our communities, if you’re ready to stand against the rise of fascism, then let’s come together and make it clear: Nazis have no place here. Fascism will not win.

We are stronger together, and together, we will resist.

Solidarity forever,
Marie Seshat Landry
Moncton, NB, Canada
