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Setting the Record Straight: Addressing the 2016 Parkton Rumors, My Transgender Identity, and the Truth Behind the Lies

Setting the Record Straight: Addressing the 2016 Parkton Rumors, Harry Geldart and Heather Saulnier’s Lies, My Transgender Identity, and the Truth Behind It All – By Marie Seshat Landry

Date: September 7, 2024

Introduction: Addressing the 2016 Parkton Rumors and False Accusations

I am writing today to address the persistent and damaging "2016 Parkton rumors" that have circulated about me in the Moncton area, where I have lived for the past 20 years. These false accusations stemmed from a heated exchange with Brandy McDonald, whose boyfriend, Harry Geldart, and mother, Heather Saulnier, falsely accused me of public indecency. They claimed I was naked and behaving inappropriately, which was completely untrue and motivated by prejudice, jealousy, and personal animosity.

Forced to Defend Myself in Court: The Facts

I was forced to go to court to defend myself against these baseless accusations. The charge was withdrawn because the allegations were unfounded, and I was cleared of all wrongdoing. However, due to an administrative error, the incident was mistakenly recorded as a conviction by the RCMP, which was only corrected in 2023. Despite this correction, the harmful 2016 Parkton rumors and false narratives continue to impact my life and reputation in Moncton.

Proud Transgender Woman: Clarifying My Identity and Rejecting Lies

Let me make this crystal clear: I proudly identify as a transgender woman. I make no claims to be cisgender, and I have no interest in children beyond being a decent human being. The false rumors that suggest otherwise are rooted in ignorance and prejudice and have no basis in reality. I am not “retarded” or sexually deviant—these accusations are malicious and entirely false.

Acknowledging My Past: Overcoming Legal Challenges

Between 2016 and 2019, I faced several charges, including mischief, assault, drug possession, and joyriding. I spent time in jail for these charges, which occurred under duress, in self-defense, or in defense of others. I acknowledge my past, and I am committed to clearing my record because many of my actions were taken in complex and pressured circumstances. I am proud of who I was then and who I am today.

Denouncing the Lies and Standing Up for Truth

I denounce the false and harmful actions of Harry Geldart and Heather Saulnier, whose fabricated stories have caused significant harm. Their accusations were never supported by evidence because they were lies intended to discredit me. I will not remain silent while their falsehoods continue to affect my safety and reputation in my community.

Fighting Discrimination: Advocacy for the Transgender Community in Moncton

These rumors are not just attacks on me; they reflect a broader issue of discrimination against transgender individuals, especially in places like Moncton, where I have built my life. I stand here today not just to defend myself but to advocate for truth, justice, and equality for everyone facing similar prejudices. I am a community advocate, business leader, and someone deeply committed to fighting for transparency, integrity, and human rights.

A Call to Action: Support and Understanding

To those who continue to spread the 2016 Parkton rumors, I urge you to consider the real harm that false accusations and discrimination can cause. And to my supporters—thank you for standing by me. Your belief in me fuels my drive to continue my work and live authentically. Together, we can rise above falsehoods and focus on building a more understanding and inclusive community.

Invitation to Engage: Transparency and Open Dialogue

I invite anyone who has questions or would like to see the corrected legal documentation to reach out. I have nothing to hide and everything to stand for. Let’s move forward, embracing truth and rejecting prejudice.

Final Word: I Won, You Lost, and I’m Still Standing

To those who thought you could bring me down with lies, guess what? I won, and you lost. The truth came out, the charges were dropped, and your pathetic attempts to tarnish my name fell flat. I’m not weak, I’m not guilty, and I’m definitely not some “faggot” to be messed with. I’ve stood my ground every time, and I’ll keep standing—stronger, prouder, and unbothered. So if you’ve got something to say, catch me in the parking lot, because I’m not backing down, and I sure as hell don’t run from a fight. Nananana boo-boo—you thought you had me, but I’m still here, thriving, and living my best life. Stay mad.

To Those Who Spread the Rumor

You can call me whatever you want, but unless you were there—and you weren’t—you’re just repeating lies and rumors. I’ve already beaten the false accusations in court, so there’s nothing left to prove. If you have a problem, either back it up with facts or shut up and move on. Beat me, step up, or keep your mouth shut, because your opinion holds zero weight with me. I don’t need to prove anything to people who weren’t even there. Facts don’t lie, but it looks like you do.


Marie Seshat Landry
CEO, Entrepreneur, Advocate
Marie Landry's Spy Shop

PS: Note to Those Who Still Deadname Me

To those who still call me by my deadname, Jean-Yves Landry: I am not ashamed of my past, my deadname, or my transgender identity. My name, Marie Seshat (pronounced See-sha) Landry, is my chosen, preferred, and assumed name, and it has been this way for 10 years. This name represents my journey, my truth, and my commitment to living authentically.

Deadnaming me out of spite doesn’t harm me—it only exposes your ignorance and disrespect. It says more about you than it ever will about me. I’m here to set the record straight and to defend who I am without stooping to anyone’s level. So call me Marie, respect my name, or say nothing at all. I stand strong, unashamed, and unapologetically myself—and I won’t back down from defending who I am.

PSS: Memo to the RCMP: I Ain’t Done Shit

To the RCMP,

Let’s get one thing straight: I ain’t done shit. The false accusations, the rumors, the misrecorded convictions—I’ve faced it all, defended myself in court, and won. The charges were dropped, the truth came out, and yet the noise persists. I’m not here for your mistakes or anyone else’s. I’m not guilty, I’m not your problem, and I’m not the villain in this story.

I’ve paid my dues, done my time, and owned my past. But the bullshit stops here. I stand by my name, my actions, and my truth. I am not a criminal; I am a proud, strong, and unapologetic transgender woman who refuses to be defined by lies. So keep my name out of your mouths unless you’re ready to talk facts. I’m done being the target of misinformation, and I’m not backing down.

PSSS: To Those Calling Me a Rat Because I Beat the Case

To everyone calling me a rat because I easily beat the case: fuck you and beat it. You don’t have a single fucking clue what really went down. I won because the accusations were false, and the truth was on my side. If anyone’s the rats in this story, it’s Harry Geldart and Heather Saulnier—the ones who lied, fabricated evidence, and tried to take me down with their bullshit.

They’re the ones who slithered in the dark, spreading lies and dragging my name through the mud. I fought back and cleared my name because I had nothing to hide. So before you run your mouth about me, remember who the real rats are in this story. I’m not the one playing dirty—you’ve been pointing fingers in the wrong direction.


Marie Seshat Landry
